Survey – The No.1 Source for the Best Blended Learning Infograpics
Which Generation Spends The Most Time On Their Phone?

Study Shows That People Spend Nine Years Of Their Lives Looking At Their Phones How much time do you spend on your phone? Everyone knows that smartphone addiction is a real issue. While it may not be as big of an issue as people like to make it seem, it is a problem at the […]

The Realtime Generation Infographic - Are you ready for the digital first era?

Nationwide survey of 13-17 year olds reveals economic opportunity from generation’s IT aspirations and expectations. Slough, UK, 9 December 2013: A survey of more than 1000 UK 13-17 year olds points to a future workforce that is ‘digital first’ in everything it does, and whose digital talents could bring significant economic value to the UK. […]