Cloud Computing And Artificial Intelligence

Cloud Computing And Artificial Intelligence

Cloud Computing And Artificial Intelligence—Infographic

Unlike popular belief, cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence are not necessarily mutually exclusive. In fact, the amalgamation of both technological advancements can prove to be very lucrative for business organizations.

Market Drivers

AI adopts cloud computing largely to meet the needs of its most important pillar: machine learning. Machine learning segments that make the most use of cloud infrastructure are deep learning and neural networks.

Global Market

The global Artificial Intelligence market is predicted to increase from $21.46 billion in 2018 to $190.61 billion by 2025. In 2019, it was estimated that 49% of companies that are deploying Artificial Intelligence are doing so through cloud services. It is gauged that 50% of total public cloud revenue could be coming from AI by 2025.

Advantages Of Collaboration

The seamless flow of AI and cloud technology resources make the blend of the two resources part of our daily lives and similarly, businesses can make the most of it too! Here are some well known advantages of teaming up:

  • Data availability and management
  • Infrastructure advancement
  • Cost efficiency

Cloud computing enables the ease of AI adoption. AI as a service in cloud applications makes them more accessible to SMEs at affordable prices. Thus, the benefits of AI that cater to a few are now reaped by the masses through cloud computing.

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