Open courseware could be an ultimate equalizer – bringing education to everyone no matter where they live, their age, or their income. Open courseware (OCW) programs are developed by universities. These universities have a department especially for develop OCW content. The content is recordings, assignments, and readings from professors teaching a traditional class on campus. These resources are collected and uploaded to a website accessible to everyone from around the world. OCW courses don’t involve real time professor to student communication, any deadlines or required assignments, and there’s no credit granted at the end of the course (or degree for that matter) but the classes also don’t cost anything and people can start and stop them whenever they wish. The bottom line is: OCW is all about self-learners, people who just have the thirst for knowledge. And the best part is – the top colleges in the country and world are getting on board with this, which means OCW offers fairly expensive content completely for free. The Open Courseware Infographic presents the important points around open courseware.

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