The Evolution of College Students Infographic

The Evolution of College Students Infographic

The Evolution of College Students Infographic

College students today differ a lot from college students of the past. The Evolution of College Students Infographic presents how college students and their technology have evolved since the 1960s.

For one thing, there are so many more of them. Particularly, in the United States, there are more women in college than men – a historical first! Second of all, the habits and characteristics of college students now resemble nothing of their parents.

While students in the 1970s and 1980s had to lug all their books to the library to study and take notes on paper, students today can simply log on to their school’s electronic library anywhere they have an Internet connection and record notes to their computer. College students today sling iPads and Kindles as commonly as textbooks, they Facebook as much as they study and they hardly have a day away from their smartphones. Advancing technology has shaped so many facets of society – the college world is no exception.

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