How to Integrate Neuroscience into Your eLearning Infographic

How to Integrate Neuroscience into Your eLearning Infographic

How to Integrate Neuroscience into Your eLearning Infographic

Neuroscience it’s the hot topic in Learning & Development at the moment. But what exactly is it, and what should it mean to you? At CDSM, they’ve been busy picking through the research, and have created the How to Integrate Neuroscience into Your eLearning Infographic to highlight the facts about neuroscience that you need to know as well as 4 ways to integrate rapidly-evolving neuroscience into your eLearning.

Neuroscience Facts You Need to Know

  • Human attention span – 8.25 seconds
  • Goldfish attention span – 9 seconds
  • Humans handle approx. 40,000,000 pieces of information every second, but only 40 of those make it to our conscious brains.
  • The speed that the brain can be process information is as slowly as 0.5 meters/sec or as fast as 120 meters/sec(that’s about 431 km/hr).
  • You can commit about 3-4 things to short term memory. After 20 seconds they will disappear from memory unless you repeat them over and over.
  • The human mind wanders 30% of the time.

Based on these facts alone, you can see why 25% of L&D professionals are integrating neuroscience. Neuroscience helps us to explore the question: What makes L&D effective. Neuroscience enables:

  • More engagement for learners
  • Cost savings
  • Higher staff retention
  • Increased credibility as a practitioner

4 Ways to Integrate Rapidly-Evolving Neuroscience into Your eLearning

  1. The Challenge
    E-learning should encourage curiosity and help people move towards an accepting state.
    At CDSM, they have found that a visually-attractive and engaging user experience can immediately translate into high levels of acceptance and uptake amongst users.
  2. The Challenge
    People find it easier to retain information if it’s presented in small chunks.
    The Playlists curation tool allows learners to intake small, ‘bite-sized’ chunks of information, and all from one place!
  3. The Challenge
    People are better able to understand complex data if they have time to reflect.
    CDSM’s Knowledge Tree gives learners the ability to view relevant content in their own time and at their own pace, helping them to achieve a better understanding of the subject matter.
  4. The Challenge
    eLearning needs to be challenging, but not threatening.
    CDSM’sNetworks function allows learners to become part of a ‘knowledge community’ – a place where they can share, reflect and discuss their new understanding of a subject with their peers.
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